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Swelling on pad

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:55 pm
by Hel_Pen
Hello all.

I was wondering if anyone had experienced a similar thing to an issue Jazz has. One of her pads on her front paw swelled up a few months agi now. The vet gave her some antibiotics and the swelling reduced but didn't go down totally to how it was before. As far as the vet could tell there was nothing in the pad and no open wound that could be seen. It doesn't seem to irritate her as she is not chewing or licking it. She has been ok since, but now it appears that the pad is swelling again.

The vet and I were reluctant to operate due to where the swelling is and also Jazz's age is a concern. Looks like we might not have an option, but I wondered if anyone has had a similar experience.

Thanks in anticipation.
