Happy 10th Forever Home Day, Bentley

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Happy 10th Forever Home Day, Bentley

Post by bentley »

I think 'forever home day' sounds so much nicer than 'gotcha day'.

Anyway, that aside. Today it's 10 years since Mr B came to live with us. We celebrated by taking him with us while I did a charity sea swim with my friend Sarah. It was c c c c cold. Bentley told us not to be so soft and ran in to show us how it's done.

Here's the very first photo we took of Mr B - even before he was called Mr B.

He was ten weeks old here and we had gone with Jan to have a look at him. Poor little mite was scared and didn't know what to do with himself. I took one look at him, scooped him into my arms and burst into tears. The rest is history.

Those few days before we were allowed to take him home were some of the longest of my life.

Thank you, Jan for letting us bring this little scrap home. Our lives have been so much richer for having him in it.

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Re: Happy 10th Forever Home Day, Bentley

Post by janrobinson »

I remember it well, but can not believe it is ten years. What a super life he is having with you. Happy forever home day Dear Mr.B. :2806: :bighug:
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lynn wise
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Re: Happy 10th Forever Home Day, Bentley

Post by lynn wise »

:love6: :2818:
Big hugs to Bentley, Lesley and family.
A RED LETTER day for him, couldn't have had a better life than he's had with Lesley and Bob.
Happy days.
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