Busy making Damson Jam to take along with marmalade for the stall on funday. Having a lovely time doing it, but the kitchen looks like a disaster area. Enjoyed the testing.
Don't forget, any unwanted pressies, take them along, all to make money for Rescue.
So pleased that you enjoyed it Kathryn.
Hopefully next year I shall make more to bring, struggled with the damsons this year, not a brilliant harvest. Anyone tried their marmalade, if that went down well shall make more od that also.
Loved chatting to you on saturday Kathryn, it's grand talking face to face isn't it?
lynn wise wrote:So pleased that you enjoyed it Kathryn.
Hopefully next year I shall make more to bring, struggled with the damsons this year, not a brilliant harvest. Anyone tried their marmalade, if that went down well shall make more od that also.
Loved chatting to you on saturday Kathryn, it's grand talking face to face isn't it?
Was great to see you too Lynn im sure we will finish our conversation one day.. hope you manage to find a course you like am here if you need any advice.x