Goodbye to Alfie

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Goodbye to Alfie

Post by LaraineFord »

Shocked and sad to tell you that Alfie passed away suddenly Tuesday, 15th August 2017. Although our time with him was too short we had him from 4 months old until he was 7 years old and every moment was a big one with Alfie. He loved his rehomed golden, Holly, and they played happily together even though he was so much bigger than her. Alfie was a huge character and we are devastated as a family at losing him so young. We are forever grateful for having had the chance to share our lives with such a wonderful, loving and loveable dog. Thanks Jan for finding him for uslImage
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Re: Goodbye to Alfie

Post by janrobinson »

I have spoken to you Laraine but just had to put an acknowledgement on this site. Alfie was a baby when you took him to your hearts and I know how much he was loved and had a happy life with you and such a shock when he was taken so suddenly at only 7 years. We are all thinking of you

:cry3: :love4
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Re: Goodbye to Alfie

Post by RUSSELL lumb »


really sorry to here about Alfie we lost Jasper in July and you have to
reflect on the lovely time they had with you and all the pleasure and love
they gave and it is such a shame they have both gone too soon.

best wishes

Russell and Bridget
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