male or female??

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male or female??

Post by carol08 »

Hello there
I am quite new to this site and find it really interesting and love all the doggie pictures in the snow. Yesterday my husband and I went for a lovely long walk on the moors where we live near Haworth in West Yorkshire and lots of couples and their dogs were loving it too, a beautiful blue sky and snow all around and lots of slushy bits which wasn't quite as nice!
Just want to ask a question and hopefully someone out there might answer! We are hopefully going to get a dog soon that is compatable to us and am wondering when we will. I know I have to be very patient and wait like Jan said to us. What actually happens? Does Jan arrange for you to see just one dog that should be a good match for you? It sounds exciting and I'm wondering whether anyone has any preference to Male or female. We used to have a male called Robbie and he was very big and lovable, someone actually thought he was a Tibetan mountain dog.
I know Jan said you can't pick whether you can have a male or female. I am not really bothered though. I
We live in a normal 3 bedroomed semi-detached with a garden so we could only have one dog and a golden is quite big enough!! I love retreivers as they seem so loving, affectionate and Robbie definetly was very soft and loving. He was protective too and would bark his very deep and loud bark if someone knocked at the door. We had a nick name for him which was DOUGAL, as when he was excited at feeding time he used to sit and wait by my side then he would do a quick circle and sit again then he would do another circle so we named him Dougal after the dog in the magic Roundabout!! He used to have a mad half hour in the garden running around in big circles hoping we would chase him! He loved going on our walks to St Ives Estate, a place where people take their children and dogs, the estate has a park and golf course, lake and lots of woodland walks. I only had to say St Ives and he used to do his little circle trick in anticipation of me going to get his lead.

I would love to hear from anyone who can explain their story and what happened when they got a new dog from Jan It's just nice to read your stories!!!
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Re: male or female??

Post by labres1 »

If Jan has spoken to you already then she will have in mind what sort of dog will best suit your circumstances.

When she gets a dog in, she will assess the dog and get to know it a little, take history from its owners and all sorts of other things. She is very keen to make sure she places a dog in the right home - to the point that the dog comes first and you have to fit in with the dog! Do bare in mind though that she has many years experience and has homed many thousands of beautiful goldies.

She may well have a number of people waiting from which she will contact the most suitable person for the dog... she will no doubt have another chat with you and if she is still happy you are the right choice for the dog, you will be invited to meet it.. during this meeting, you will again be assessed for suitability - this can be all sorts of things like how you interact with the dog, how the dog reacts to you - if she is not happy - she will say so! - All that matters to her is that she puts the dog in the right place and if she is not 100% sure/happy then she wont do it..

We have had 3 goldies from Jan... One male, two females - Ben (in the logo at the top) we got at 2 years old - tormented by a child but as ours were experienced with dogs having grown up with labradors from being babies and knowing how to treat and respect them, we were allowed to take him home.. He was the most stunning boy ever - big, strong and handsome and my pride and joy - unfortunately he died suddenly at 6 years old - a rare brain cancer which killed him in 24 hours..

some time later, I was fixing Jans computer and heard the words... dont suppose you have an old girl who needs to come and live at the seaside.. Well as it happens came the reply from the kitchen.. after a discussion between Jan and myself about toby my other goldie and the fact this little girl was in a bit of a mess, then the wife via telephone it was decided that we would meet this little girl the following day - we turned up with Toby, my other goldie to meet Amber.. even though I know Jan. have had dogs from her before and do the website for her, she still has to make sure everything is perfect!

I took toby for a walk while Jan got Jade out (now called amber) and I have to admit to looking at her and thinking "what on earth is that!" - we introduced her to toby and took them both for a walk - Under Jans careful scruitiny !! and things went well - i remember telling Jan we would make a lovely dog out of her!

When we took her home, she had no fur on her back, her feet were chewed and had been bleeding and her tail was not much more than a twig - she was underweight and a right mess! she shreaded all toby toys and then the care started..

She was bathed and we got some spray conditioner and moisturiser for her back, we took away all the toys and re-introduced them slowly, we fed her carefully and nursed her back to health and now, well she's daddys little princess and stunning - she must be about 11 now so a little creaky but the most loving girl in the world...

This is amber from getting her to her in her full glory

We have also had alex who was about 14 when we got her from Jan - an old girl who needed a loving home to live out her last few months - she again had been mistreated although this was through illness rather than intent - it took 4 months to nurs her and get her back to normal - to see her bouncing at the bottom of the stairs when I got up every morning was a joy - we only had her for about 6 months before she didd but I wouldnt chage a thing - at least she died in the arms to people who loved her.

this was alex


I guess the thing to remember is that whatever dog Jan decided is right for you - trust he judgement, love it, give it time to adjust and overcome whatever has happened to it, and you will end up with a wonderful Goldie that will take over your heart and soul!
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Re: male or female??

Post by janrobinson »

Thank you Ian that was just lovely and the pictures brought a tear to my eye again when I think of those two old girls whose life you changed. but reading all that I thought " Ian knows me so well"

However to answer the first question I have not said that you can not choose what sex. But if you have a preference that just narrows it down even further.

Re: male or female??

Post by superjazz »

You have done a great job not only for giving these Goldens a wonderful home but also your work on this web site.
I have to say that having two older Goldens make life much easier in these icy conditions.
Big Jazz is very careful having slipped a couple of times and jarred his back leg. Candy on the other hand is so game, falls over, then pick herself up and bussles on.
The main thing about Jan and her experience with these lovely dogs is that she wants them to go to a "forever home".

P , S , J & C

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Re: male or female??

Post by lynn wise »

Lovely to see the pictures again of your girls Ian, what a lovely life you gave them in their older years. Sad that Alex only stayed with you all a short time, but you did so love her and give her a warm hearth in her final months. I applaud you and Carolyn for all that you do for them all.

With love , Lynn xx
Oh, and A Very Happy and Healthy New Year, hope it's better than last year for you both.
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Re: male or female??

Post by CarolynM »

Aww little Alex, it still brings tears to my eyes when I see her. She was such a delicate little old lady. Much as I love the youngsters, my heart is definately with the oldies - giving them love, peace and stability in their final few months or years.

Thank you for your good wishes Lynn, its been a horrible few months since September and with Ian being so ill as well, I can't wait to see the end of 2009. I am starting to feel more positive now.

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Re: male or female??

Post by janrobinson »

I am so pleased you are feeling more positive Carolyn. and Ian is on the mend, I hope 2010 is a much better year for you.
:bighug: :bighug: :s18: Aren't these moving things just great
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Re: male or female??

Post by labres1 »

time for some updated photos of our current pack...

Amber - who does like her comfort...

Toby - now 2.5 years old - bought as a pup when Ben died...

Chloe who we thought had died a few weeks ago (nearest the camera) and Poppy our lab pup who is now 1 year old

And the personality that fills the house, demands attention and is the biggest cuddle monster of a rescue dog you could imagine... Big Ben!

,,, not that we are proud of them at all

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Re: male or female??

Post by lynn wise »

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Re: male or female??

Post by sonia »

I love to hear everyones stories :love5 Its a great job that Jan does homing these great dogs who give us such joy. This is the first time we have adopted a golden, always having them from pups before now. We lost Troy a year ago, gave it some time then contacted Jan in the New Year.Jan recommended a female to us as we already had a male (Brad), she had two in kennels at the time that she thought might be suitable. We took the journey up the M6 to meet up with Jan, one of the females was so nervous that she wouldn't even come out of the kennel, so they fetched Ella out.I took her for a little walk and Neil took Brad, we then met up in the middle, Brad was very noisy and Jan was a little worried by this until we told her he is like that all the time :1968 Its the first time we have had a female and have to say Ella is a little lady, a lot calmer than any of the male dogs we have had, although she is the boss :1960

I have to say adopting is a totally different experience one that is very rewarding but it does take time to get to know each other, but boy is it worth it :love2 Thanks Jan for being there and supporting us all the way :1972 We have had Ella almost a year now, we call her minnie the minx.

Hope you all had a nice Christmas??

Re: male or female??

Post by carol08 »

:thumbsup: Thank you everyone for your replies. I have just got back from a christmas visit to my parents in Hull and my brother and sister-in-law and their two twin girls age 2. Had a lovely day and then popped on here for a while and saw the lovely messages and dog pictures. It's amazing to see the difference in a dog when it has a loving, kind home. I have a friend who has two goldens and lives a couple of miles away. They are both lovely girls and very calm. I am always surprised at their quiet personalities as my Robbie was a right character -well he was really good but when I took him to training classes, he was quite vocal and loved to bark the loudest and let everyone know he was there!! The trainer told me that Robbie liked to be in charge and was trying to tell the other dogs this little message!
Thanks for the advice and also thanks to Jan, sorry I misunderstood the fact that you don't mind people choosing the sex of a dog they would like. I understand what you meant now.
Thank you.
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Re: male or female??

Post by janrobinson »

What beautiful pictures of very happy well cared for Goldens & labs. Such shiny black coats. They are all a credit to your care & love. and they obviously rule the furniture ?? Amber looks well comfy :2388: :2383:
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Re: male or female??

Post by lenny »

Ive got one of each now, Emily is a little lady ,till the door bell rings then she barks her head off , shes also the most vocal when we have visitors, but when she settles down you hardly know you have her. Snowy is full of life all the time, but his age might have somthing to do with that, but he is the most loving dog you could meet, Emily is so gentle and lady like when taking food from you.I cannot tell you what sex to choose as they both have special features, and each dog is different. but you will give a home to the most special of breeds, and Im sure you will never regret it good luck. :love4
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Re: male or female??

Post by Paul&Carol »

Hello everyone this is Carol and I've finally managed to get back on this site after losing my password. I have now got on again with my husband. I haven't posted anything on here for a very long time and I thought it would be nice to look in again and read a few posts and say hello! :2035:
I was the one who posted this originally back in 2009! I have just read all the comments and it has brought back lots of memories from that time. My husband and son (who was only 12 back then) was invited by Jan to go and see a female retriever the first week in January 2010 and what an exciting journey it turned out to be. Jan had a beautiful golden called Bonnie, which we all loved from the minute we saw her. She was very excitable, and nervous at the same time. We took her for a walk and by the end of it we knew we wanted to care for her. Today, Bonnie is 14 years old and has been an absolutely wonderful dog, she has brought us so much joy and love. Bonnie was nervous, but settled with us so well. She was and still is very gentle, very loving and had grown in confidence, to walk alongside other dogs over the years. Bonnie's best friend is our cat Maisie that came to us as a kitten in Oct 2013, Bonnie was excited as anything and has loved her since they met.
Bonnie is a tired old girl now, and has trouble walking, she is on medication from our vet. Bonnie struggles as she has arthritis and her back legs are not good. It is sad to see her struggle and we just hope we can make her as comfortable as possible and do what we can to have some quality time with us.
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