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Re: bronson

Post by bronson »

hi All
Bronson has been to the vets to have his injection and it is called Cartrophen.
The vet mentioned what a good natured dog he was (which he is) anyway we wil keep you updated to see how the injection work . :1963
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

Re: bronson

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

Big kisses from Cobi (who I think is Bronson's half sister 'cause they look and act so much alike, she too is good natured at the vets) :love4 :love4

Re: bronson

Post by bronson »

yes it is uncany how bronson looks like cobi.How old is cobi bronson is 5 years 5 months he allso gives a kiss to cobi lolx :love6
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

Re: bronson

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

Cobi is just Bronson's age she will be 6 in June... no good to him though... 'spayed in 2005' !!!! :love6
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Re: bronson

Post by Ellas mum »

Hope Bronson's injection works well :1945:

Cobi looks to be in seventh heaven there...a couple of muck magnets those two :1960
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

Re: bronson

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

Sorry Jean, I've made a 'pigs ear' of putting a post on the site....I started to put the photographs under the wrong heading... I've now put them in 'pet gallery'.

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Re: bronson

Post by janrobinson »

Hope Bronson's injections are working. Bonnie was on those for a few years and they changed her life.

Re: bronson

Post by bronson »

Bronson has had his second injection now, and we can see a difference in him allready.He is walking on 4 legs now but he is just getting short walks 20 mins x 3 times a day umtill he has completed his injections.
:1972 :thumbsup:

Re: bronson

Post by superjazz »

Great news about Bronson and he is now going for walks again. Very best wishes from us Goldie fans.
P, S J & C
:1942: :1942: :1942:

Re: bronson

Post by Samsmum »

Good to hear that Bronson is progressing well. Keep up the good work.
Best wishes - Joyce (Samsmum)

Re: bronson

Post by bronson »

Update on Bronson

He had a set back a few months ago, he decided he would chase a squirrel and guess what he ended up on three legs again.We went back to the vets more xrays anyway the crucial ligament was ok he had strained his leg.To cut a long story short back on lead walking .the vet sugesseted we try him on the hills JD food (diet) as now he is not as active he trys to be like a pup but his leg wont let him.
We can say now he is back off the lead he can do two half hour walks and he is a very happy chappie.
Give all the goldies a hug from us and we are looking forward to the next funday
Julie mike and Bronson xxx :1952: :2035: :love5

Re: bronson

Post by Samsmum »

Do hope Bronson maintains his better health now. Hate to hear of dogs being ill. They can't tell us how they feel, although, as has been said, we know our dogs, and we have a good idea how they are feeling.
Best wishes to all, Samsmum.

Re: bronson

Post by Hel_Pen »

Hi Julie, Mike and Bronson,

Have you thought of hydrotherapy? Maybe not for the treatment of his leg but if he likes swimming if nothing else it would give him some low impact exercise. Jazz has been going for a combination of weight loss and arthritis. She loves it and even enjoys a spa bath afterwards. I live in Cheshire and the place I go to is near Chelford, Knutsford way. Its not cheap but if Bronson is insured you may get it paid for.

Hope he keeps improving.

Helen and Jazz :love5
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Re: bronson

Post by lynn wise »

So sorry to hear that Bronson isn't too good again. You must be upset with the set backs. Poor lad, hope he is on the mend soon.
Good idea from Hel-pen. We have a friend with a Lab' that goes to Hydro therapy, doing him the world of good. :love4
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