Holly is limping!! Help

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Hollys Mum

Holly is limping!! Help

Post by Hollys Mum »

Holly started limping on her right front leg. I took her to the vet for her yearly check up and vaccinations and, as this had just begun, asked the vet for advice. She asked me to walk Holly up and down the car park outside the vets and said she wasn't limping now. Since then I have restricted her walks as she starts limping if she walks too far! Apart from the fact she is overweight and is now on a strict diet which she detests as she is a born scrounger, should I try any medication to help? I did read about pilchards in tomato sauce on the site once weekly on a sunday may help. Any advice please as she is not 8 till November. Lesley :1954:

Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by superjazz »

Hello Lesley,
A few weeks ago Jazz started limping, and it turned out he had an abcess between two of his toes. Which was thought to have been caused by a grass seed impacting in the toe.
Could be worth a check , as it took a while for the abcess to develop.
We give our two Pilchards or Sardines at least once a week for lunch. On a daily basis we cut a human Glaucosamine tablet in half, crush it, and then put the powder in a low fat cheese triangle and give them half each.
They are both 12, Candy has quite weak back legs so she has
Metacam daily. Jazz is a bit creaky , and he has a daily Prevacox tablet with his food. They have only started this past Year on prescription medication.
Best wishes to Holly.

P, S J & C
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Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by janrobinson »

Good advice from superjazz. and it can't do any harm surely.
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by Hollys Mum »

Thanks for your advice. Have looked at Hollys paw but will look at it again. Also have already bought some pilchards in tomato sauce today so will try that too! Its so wonderful to be able to get advice from everyone. Thanks again :thumbsup:

Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by Hel_Pen »


My Jazz started with an intermittent limp last year, which progressed into a constant limp. Holly could have some mild arthiritis. Jazz is only 8. She was also a bit overweight. I can highly recommend hydrotherapy as not only does this get the weight off in a low impact way it improves their muscle tone and helps with the arthritis. The only way to confirm this is an xray. Hopefully if the weight comes off she will be fine and not need any medication. I have been reducing Jazz's medication (Previcox - anti-infammatory) and she is now off it all together, fingers crossed for a while yet.

Also I now take her to the local lake for a swim to save on the cost of hydrotherapy. She loves swimming, which is a bonus.

Hope Holly improves.

Helen & Jazz.
Hollys Mum

Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by Hollys Mum »

Hi Update on Holly. She enjoyed her pilchards in tomato sauce yesterday very much! This will be her weekly treat now. Limping appears to have settled for now. I have taken her for a walk around Chasewater this am (this is a reservoir which is usually FULL but has been emptied for work on the dam which is now just like a puddle) wjth no ill effects. She is now sleeping probably dreaming of something Nice! Usually she loves swimming but as I say the reservoir is empty and refilling won't start until late this year. Otherwise she is fine and I am keeping her on her weight loss programme same as me!!!! Cheers everyone Lesley x :1963
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Re: Holly is limping!! Help

Post by lenny »

Glad to hear Holly's on the mend,hope hers and you diet goes well, me and the wife are trying to lose some weight before we go on holiday, but all I see on the tv are cooking programmes, and going shopping down the biscuit isle is a nightmare. :1960
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