Say Hi to Amber

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Say Hi to Amber

Post by labres1 »

Well, following a visit to sort Jans computer out, and one of those innocent questions - "i dont suppose you have any oldies who want to live by the sea side"... we found ourselves returning to the kennels last Sunday to meet a 9 year old golden girl who had been abandoned and was in a bit of a state..

recovering from a flea infestation, underweight and non doubt totally confused frightened and alone we met Jade.

After a few seconds discussio consisting of "she's lovely - shall we" and "oh yes!" we loaded her into the car to take her home..

Here she is shortly after she arrived -

We had an interesting evening - Jade was stressed out, snappy, groweled at anything that came near her and shreaded all of tobys toys.

The following day, I took her to work with me rather than risk leaving her with the other dogs.. she was fine in the car and behaved beautifully until i took her into my office later in the morning and she helped herself to my colleagues sandwiches :roll:

Anyway - we discussed things with a trainer we know who advised that all toys be removed and reintroduced later.. we changed her name from jade which we didnt like to amber - to remove any reference to her past and any trauma she may have encountered and made a few other changes.

Every day now things improve and on day 4, well i dont think we will get much better - the pack has reformed itself with Amber as an integral part - she is learning that there will be food morning, evening and night so there is no need to defend it and fight for it, and also that the other dogs are not a threat or have any intention of harming her..

Even now she has turned into a wonderful girl and if this is as good as it gets then thats fantastic - she is loving, loyal and is showing signs of a particularly cute nature..

All the dogs have now de-stressed and relax together, play together and we now have a need for a larger sofa!


The moral of the story - well we dont always know what these dogs have been through if there is no proper history. Give them time to settle in, stand back and look at the bigger picture and try and work out what has caused the problem you may be facing - it will help you to deal with it and insted of it being a mountain, it will become a manageable hickup... and you will find a wonderful companion!
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Post by janrobinson »

just lovely, you, Carolyn & Amber. I thought the problems were going to be insurmountable but look what you have done with patience and kindness. I kept thinking, she will come back, can't have their others dogs upset but in a few short days it has sorted out Wonderful
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Post by lynn wise »

Another happy ending. hope all goes well. It never ceases to amaze me what people can do to a dog.WHY OH WHY. This phrase seems to be an integral part of my life since joining the site.No doubt everyone else feels the same. Thank the Lord for Jan'. Will sign off now, our 2 champing at the bit, it's after lunch so WE should be going out. The little un, she's more of a time keeper than Tim'. We do this NOW.haven't told them yet tho'. we're off up the dale for the afternoon. No doubt. turning left out of the village will get them up on their toes! Tim' screams like a banshee, knows it's the treat walk.
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

Amber has a good home now and she knows it...

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

Ian and Caroline,

Amber has a good home now and it looks like she knows it!
I thought 'we' were the only couple who never got to sit on our sofa.

Another hour or so and two more goldens come to stay with us for 16 days, one of which 'had to go' when her previous family had another child almost 10 years ago, Lynn is right, why, why, why don't people realise that a dog is for life...
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Post by hairydog »

Brilliant news I guess you will be like us we sit on the floor whilst ours have the settee... :)

Post by Eastonwolfs »

Thats lovely, a really nice story poor Amber she's not had it so good has she...until now that is!

Thank goodness these dogs can't talk...but if they could they would probably say THANK YOU for helping me and taking me into your home...
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Post by lenny »

It amazies and angers me how anyone can mistreat a dog as with giving them a little love they give so much back. I maybe a big softie as far as animals are concerned but as far as people who mistreat them I would quite willing do something much worse to them. I do hope she continues to make progress and have the rest of her life being loved and well looked after,as I am sure she will now she is with you. Please let us know how she gets on Lenny
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Post by labres1 »

Well - its 6 days since the little lady came to stay! A tad troublesome in the beginning, with some interesting challenges...

She's booked into the vets on 21st for an MOT, checkover, course of injections and probably another worming session just to be sure..

Saturday mornings are get the housework done mornings - although the dogs dont seem to ever want to help...

But the peace and tranquility is wonderful

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Post by janrobinson »

This picture is just lovely, you have worked your magic there. Bliss. though not much room on the sofa for you two
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Post by labres1 »

No - we do tend to sit on the floor once they get settled - i sometimes wonder who's home it is!

Poor Amber is scratching quite badly - she's been frontlined and we cant see any sign of fleas so i presume its worked - she does however have dozens of scabs on her back and feet where she has scratched the skin off - so we presume the itching is being caused by the scabs and the skin healing...

So - in true form - what can we do to help Amber we ask ourselves - I know - lets go and get some anti itch shampoo and give her a bath!!

So - we duly get the lovely girl into the bath and give her a nice soothing bathe in the shampoo, rinse her of and towel dry her - all went remarkably well and she seemd to enjoy it... :wink:

Now picture this... i lift her out of the bath and we get the normal lets shake all this water over mummy and daddy routine! :twisted: but silly me had left the bedroom door ajar :cry: - of went one soggy Amber - straight into the bedroom and started rolling about on the bed trying to dry herself...:lol:

Oh well - the bed needs changing a day early - but the little love lay there half asleep while i blow dryed her and gromed her - she absolutely loved it..

and so far - no more scratching.

the upsetting bit was seeing her with her wet fur - i know when you bath them they always look thin but she is dreadfully thin all over, and you realise just how much damage she has done to herself - she has hardsly any fur on her back and feet - she is such a lovely natured girl now she has settled in - how anyone could ever have let her end up lik ethis i'll never begin to understand - this little lady is going to take quite some time to sort out - but sort her out we will - she'll be a beautiful princess by the time we have finished with her!
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

We know our place and it's your sofa!

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

All it needs is patience and a lot of understanding, and you can work miracles, they all look so 'blissed out' and content with life.
One of the most used phrases in our house is 'you did shut our bedroom door' as Cobi likes to do the 'Cobi shuffle' her head down rubbing her face with her paws, bum in the air,in the middle of our bed! and she is usually grubby.

Post by Eastonwolfs »

Loved the picture...looks like a hotel for dogs...would love to know how the pecking order for the 'pack' is going...

Poor Amber...suspect you'll discover a lot more about the cruelty she's had the longer you have her...I'm sure she'll come on in leaps and bounds...but feel sad she had to endure such neglect...and for what reason?

So glad she has you now...will be lovely to hear her progress...
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Post by labres1 »

Ben is very much top dog - alpha male
He isnt very active but if he walks towards a dish and someone is eathing, or comes for a cuddle the others immediately move away..

next in line - i think is toby - he tries to dominate ben from time to time but gets nowhere!

Then, well i think 3rd in line is amber..

At the bottom is chloe - she is scared of her own shadow most of the time - although when the window cleaner comes she is the first to try and savage him..
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Post by CarolynM »

To to into more detail :D

Chloe is the black lab on the sofa with one eye open

Toby is at the other end of the sofa

Ben is on the floor - dreaming of being able to get on the sofa

and little Amber is in the basket - planning how to get onto the sofa :lol:

Got up early this morning because our daughter is going on a 6th form exchange to Germany - came back into the bedroom to find Amber curled up on the duvet next to Ian who she is absolutely devoted to :lol: :D


Post by bronson »

keep us informed of how you get on,Bronson was a handful but now he is a top dog.he is totaly spoilt.
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