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Another small world

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 5:28 pm
by lynn wise
Chatting to a chap we know at lunchtime, he was saying all the different places to go with the dogs. Chris mentioned Arnside and about meeting an older man with a Golden Retriever who told him and his fellow fisherman that the dog would probably catch more than them :1945: No prizes for guessing who it was, an older chap puffing his pipe with a big pale dog that was catching flatties. Such a small world, told him that it was Syd a friend from Rescue and that poor old Jazz had passed away. " no wonder we haven't seen him". Such a thrill when we hear things like that, makes it a small world.

Re: Another small world

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 5:48 pm
by superjazz

Thanks for that Lynn , even after losing him 4 Years ago he is still asked about. He was a very special dog and was nearly 14 when he died.
There was a fishing bait shop in Morecambe which used Jazz as a barometer for fishing prospects in Arnside.
A group of Fireman from the North East would ring up and ask about his catches and if it was worth coming for some fishing.
Very polite of you to refer me as an "Older Gentleman ". I suppose I should be used to it. My background before retirement was in Merchant Ships and the Officers and Crew always called the Master or Captain " The Old Man"!!

We have bundle of joy now who is 8 months old and has certainly livened us up. He is not a water dog so far , which is unusual for a Golden . He sits on the shore and watches the waves breaking and then jumps back if one comes too close.
He is not adverse to a muddy stream though.
Fond memories and thanks again Lynn.
Hope you and Woody & Willow are all well
Pat & Syd

Re: Another small world

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:18 pm
by janrobinson
Dear Jazz He was certainly a well known character. bless him :love4