Mr B is in the wars again

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Mr B is in the wars again

Post by bentley »

Poor old Bentley has been in the wars again. :2005:

Two weeks ago he had two fits right out of the blue in the utility. It took us all by surprise, wrong time of the month, wrong time of day, nothing to trigger it.

As he was trying gto get to fit feet and stumbling around, which is heartbreaking to watch, he must have twisted or pulled something.

He became lame so we rested him for a few days thinking he might have sprianed or strained a muscle. It didn't help. Once he gets going he seems ok but after any exercise he is obviously in pain.

We came up north to visit family, still keeping Bents well rested. He didn't know what on earth was was going on. He did enjoy the snow though.

After a visit to the vet we are now having to send him for xrays to establish if he has torn his cruciate ligament, I suspect he has. The vet has told us that he has a risk of fitting as as comes out of the anaesthetic. That'll be tomorrow morning.

Keep your fingers crossed for him, the poor little chap has enough to deal with without going through that as well.

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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by janrobinson »

Oh dear I am so sorry to hear about poor Bentley, Fingers & toes crossed for tomorrow. :love4
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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by lynn wise »

Oh Lesley, so very sorry to hear about poor Bentley. As Jan says, hope all goes well for him tomorrow.
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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by bentley »

He's home! No cruciate damage! Big sighs of relief all round :thumbsup:
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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by bentley »

He's home! No cruciate damage! Big sighs of relief all round :thumbsup:
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lynn wise
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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by lynn wise »

Thank goodness, been thinking about you all day.
WHOOPEE :1942:
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Re: Mr B is in the wars again

Post by Ellas mum »

Thats great news, hope all goes well for him now :love4
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