What do you feed your Golden?

Share your feeding plans, preferences on food choices and any hints & tips on feeding related matters or nutrition

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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by RUSSELL »

Hi all

jasper was in a mess with his skin and the vets recomended hIlls prescription diet zd which is expensive but seems to have sorted him out expensive from vets but on internet from pet meds about £38 for 7 kgs bag. but it has done the trick we dare not go back to bakers etc. he has been on it for 12 months now and touch wood is ok,

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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by hairydog »

Bakers does have a lot of sugar in it,I also order mine via the net gets delivered to your door,and if I am lucky the nice delivery man carries it in for me..! :D
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by lenny »

:2007: My two have wafcol complete.My first one Sunny was given some from Jan when we got him, and he was fine, so my two got what he had . Snowy had slight runs when we introduced him to it, so slowly weaned him on to it, now everything fine,much easier to feed them both the same food , as when Snowy finish his he tries to pinch Emily's, if they were on different food would probably get the squirts every so often.
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by hairydog »

We have been having problems lately with Paddy and food intolerance,(chewing feet etc) we were offered hills ZD by the vet but declined the offer due to their price..but...we have gone onto Burns, and have to say in the 3 weeks he has been on it, he has lost weight, the shine on his coat has come back and he is much happier!.

I had heard about Burns food before but you hear so much these days you just dont know what to beleive, but have to say it seems to be working for us...he is on Pork & Potato which is for food allergies. Seeing is beleiving and in the 3 weeks it is amazing,we have to be on it for at least 12 weeks for his system to settle down,so am intrested what he will look like in another 9 weeks...

Here is the link if anyone is intrested.

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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by lynn wise »

Oh that's good news Kathryn,
Talking to our local Pet Shop man earlier this week, asking which food he would recommend, BURNS, was his reply. He stated that the people that had gone onto it, swore by it. For them, it's their biggest seller after a slow start initially. (That was after I'd ordered J.W.) Good to hear that it does do what it says. :2058:
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by janrobinson »

I have used Burns for the girls for over a year now. Their wee was awfully smelly so much so that neither would clean themselves so I changed to Burns they (I say they but it is just Tessa now who has this.) have Chicken & Brown Rice and waterworks were better within days.

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by leapyear29 »

:s37: hello everyone
ellie,s been on james wellbeloved for a few years now she suffers from colitis poor love, she is 7yrs old now and is having a few problems lately i put her on turkey and rice for a change from her usual lamb and rice she refuses to eat it most days and is passing alot of smelly wind she looks abit sad as well also she gets alot of noises like a watery grumbling sound from her tummy she useualy gets these symptoms before a colitis flare up but shes lately getting it without the loose and sometimes bloody poop or being abit sick she,s still interested in our foods and eager to go walkies its quite a problem trying to get a good balance anyone had any similar problems i do worry about her especialy as she gets older
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by janrobinson »

Burns is a very good food and they have one for every complaint why don't you give them a ring and they will help you.. Years ago one of my dogs had a pancreatic deficiency and sloppy poos was the order of the day. even with his medication so I put him on flaked maize and meat. Sorted out that problem. It is a worry
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by hairydog »

Yes been there done that and got the T shirt with colitis its so hard you never know what suits them or not, we had all this with our Ben, when finally we got him on the ID Prescription food it was expensive but much cheaper in the long run that visits to the vet all the time...

But have you sent a sample of the poo to the lab at all? it may show something that you havent considered, and all it needs is a course of antibiotics and it will clear up...just a thought...

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by sonnybyron »

HI all
14 years ago Jan advised us to feed Will wafcol ,This we did with the occassional treat of some chicken scrambled eggs and toast and marmite he thrived on it and was always fit and healthy until the end.
Elaine and Ian Coulson

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by sammingtonsmythes »

My two are on Pero its specifically for labrador/retrievers brown rice and fresh salmon.I order direct from Pero they are fantastically reliable and have delivered the next day when i asked.Would highly recommend.Ellie had springs in her legs at the moment!!It smells of fresh salmon too.
Wouldn't fancy the barf at all.Poor chickens probably had apalling lives too.

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by Samsmum »

When we got Sam over three years ago, when he was about 11 months old, we tried various kinds of complete dry food, and the only one he would settle for was Bakers - either chicken or beef. A now-retired vet from many years ago, told me to always give my dog a small quantity of vegetables each day, and my dogs lived to a good age, and didn't ail. Their only visits to the vet were for their booster jabs,
Sam has mainly the Bakers food, but every evening he has a little of what we have (not curry, chilli, or anything like that!)
Bits of meat, chicken, sausages, etc., and whatever veges we are having - broccoli, cauliflower, peas, tiny amount of sweetcorn, carrots, swede, tiny bit of braised red cabbage, etc., a bit of rice or pasta, or potato. Touch wood, he doesn't ail, doesn't get the runs, and is full of life. He doesn't put weight on either - the vet always remarks how his weight stays so steady. So it does seem to work as it did with Meg, Zac, Zoe, Tranter et al.
We are lucky - Sam is not vociferous - he just lies a short distance away, and fixes us with steady gaze until we get his
dinner in his dish.
Best wishes to all - Samsmum.

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by Samsmum »

Ph, I forget!! He does have pilchards. salmon and sardines - and he loves them! Sansnyn,
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Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by lynn wise »

Willow was on J.W.along with Timber.
When Woody came he went onto that also. Ellas mum told us about a company near to where they live that produced really good feed, so I put them onto that.
Found with Woody that every few weeks he would be loose, couldn't get to the ...pardon the pun...bottom of the problem. Read about Lamb and Rice food being good for dogs that are sensitive, so off I went to our original suppliers...Cobbydog. Eddie that owns the compnay lives near us, and we are passing friendly. Got them both onto lamb and rice kibble. Magic. No further problems, and as I told Jan, Woody is finally putting some weight on. So we've got there in the end with him, on something produced locally too.
Must say, the company that Jean put us onto was absolutely first class, very knowledgable and helpful. Trouble being, now I don't have a car, it's a bit of a planned journey to get over there.

Re: What do you feed your Golden?

Post by Samsmum »

Lynn, It seems we are so lucky with Sam, that he loves his food now, and will have a taste of virtually anything. I only give him stuff though that has vitamins and goodness in them. But he seems quite happy with his couple of spoonsful of "tastes" and then his normal meal. It does seem to suit him, and as I said he doesn't put weight on, and seems very fit. When he went for his MOT in August, the vet was delighted with him. Bes wishes - Samsmum.
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