
Share your story about your rescue dog -good or bad

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Post by Mary »

Having lost our adored goldie in 2005 and our crazy springer earlier this year, Dylan our lab x was left on his own, having been used to living in a pack (he would admit himself that he was perceived by the other two as being way down the pecking order, but being a good natured boy he didn't mind at all and just loved being with his brothers)! Once Tim our springer was no longer around Dylan started to pine and would sit by our gate for hours waiting for him to come home. Enough was enough and we hated seeing our lovely boy so sad, so having decided that we really would like another goldie we rang Jan and last Thursday, 6th November, took Dylan up to Eccleston to meet Lucy. Dylan and Lucy got on just fine and so the papers were signed and Lucy jumped up into the back of our land rover to start her new life. Dylan jumped up too and at that moment it dawned on him that this wasn't just a new friend, this was obviously someone who was coming home with us and he wasn't particularly pleased about it! A couple of warning growls and it was decided that they shouldn't sit together to travel home. Many of the lorry drivers we passed on our journey sat in their cabs with smirks on their faces as they saw Dylan lording it in the front passenger seat of the car, me perched in the back and Lucy right over the back. Dylan sat most of the way home with his head shoved under the head rest to make sure that Lucy wasn't having too much fuss! Lucy sat with her head hanging over the back seat licking my hand. Once home the dogs settled down quickly and beautiful, gentle, intelligent, sweet Lucy has dropped into our lives like soft rain. She and Dylan are now best of friends, sitting side by side by the rayburn licking each others heads and never far away from each other when they are out on their walks. She has already run straight into our pond not realising where the lawn ended and the water began and thrown herself into the muddiest part of the canal she could find - yuck! But she has been for a pamper day with our local groomer and the vet says she is in fine health. We are looking forward to many happy years with this adorable girl and already love her very much. Thank you Jan for letting us bring her home. I will post some photos as soon as I work out how to.[/img]
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Post by Ellas mum »

Hi Mary,

Welcome to the site.

A lovely story and a happy home for Lucy. I love your description of Lucy as "dropping into your lives like soft rain", Thats beautiful!

Would love to see some photo's. If you get stuck, there are some instructions under.....General Non Doggy Chat.


Post by Mary »

Hi Ella's mum!
Your message was a lovely surprise when I came back to the computer. Thank you. I will have a look at the instructions for posting photos - thanks for the tip! Lucy is just so, so, sweet and we are very lucky.
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Post by lynn wise »

Hi Mary, and welcome to the site.

Just loved your story. Lucky little Lucy, she sounds to have found a lovely home. So pleased for all concerned,

Like Jean, I found your description of her coming into your lives so moving. Tears of happiness for her.

All the best, and many happy hours with your delightful girlie.
Cobi and Ginnies Mum

A lovely story

Post by Cobi and Ginnies Mum »

I love reading stories like this, even though your eyes well up, but what a lovely ending and a new 'pal' for Dylan.

We collected Ginnie from Jan in November 2000, and I was really worried that Abigail would not 'take' immediately to another golden,(even though she would walk out of the room when I walked in, in the few weeks after we lost Ceili, making it clear they we had taken away her friend) she kept looking at Ginnie, when Jan told us to walk down the lane with them together and after a couple of 'I'm the boss barks, know your place youngster!' they too became great pals.

We all hope they have many playful years together :D :D
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Post by janrobinson »

I don't know where I have been but I have missed all these posts. Lovely to hear the story Mary. Even though I know it. Lucy will have a wonderful home with you and it is so nice that Dylon and her are friends already We will all look forward to the pictures .

Post by Mary »

Just an update on Lucy - she is fine, getting more confident every day and we absolutely love her to bits. All my dogs have been lovely, but she is particularly gentle and calm and is not fazed by anything at all. She does make me chuckle – if Dylan our lab barks at something, e.g. the doorbell, she will sit up and look around and you can almost see her thinking “oh well perhaps I should be barking too” and she follows suit!! We are a very happy household! Thank you all for your lovely messages - I have been reading your stories. This is such a great website.

Re: Lucy

Post by Mary »

A further update on our beloved Lucy. She talks to us! She really does - she make a sort of "hrmph" sound which is like a very gentle low growl and pushes my hand with her nose if I am telling her she is a good girl, or that I love her. She has had a few problems to say the least, but she is still our happy girl and always smiling and ready for a cuddle. I had let her out early one morning at the end of November for her pre-breakfast sniff around. She came back limping and obviously in pain. We whisked her off to the vet and she underwent some tests and xrays later in the week. As we feared, she has major problems with arthritis and with the cruciate ligament in both back legs and it would appear that this has been going on for a few years and they are both beyond repair. There were absolutely no outward signs of it until that morning. She struggles to get up if she has been lying in the same position for some time and some mornings has to be helped to her feet. Tell me what is it about goldies - they will find the coldest and draughtiest place to lie down! Sadly there is nothing we can do to relieve her problems except buy her lots of rimadyl and noractive and she has a cartrofen injection once a month. She is still trying to run as fast as she can! She is also now developing problems with her eyes, but as long as she is happy and comfortable and in no pain, then we will continue to make her life a good one. Oh and she has had great fun in all this snow - rolling around and digging!!
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Re: Lucy

Post by Ellas mum »

Hi Mary,

Thank you for your update on Lucy, she sounds an absolute treasure, and It's sad that she is developing these ailments, but as you say, as long as she is happy and pain free and can enjoy her life with you, that's all that matters. And talking of the cold and all this snow and icy winds, I was wondering whether to buy Ella a coat. At the moment she is shedding hers, and it's quite thin. I know they have this undercoat, but how much cold do they actually feel. She's 7 now and has long walks every day

Re: Lucy

Post by Mary »

Hi Ella's mum, I really don't know how much cold they feel - from the way Lucy has behaved today she doesn't feel any, but she does have a particularly thick coat. You'd think their feet would get cold! Poor Lucy can no longer go for the long walks she loves so much and we walk along the canal for a maximum of about 10 minutes. Luckily we have a pretty big garden so I must admit that I do let her run around that a little bit. We have been to the vet with her so much that Allan my husband said to the vet "would you like to marry me?". She looked at him stunned and Allan said "I just thought it would save on some of your bills"!!! Hopefully Lucy will improve a little bit with the warmer weather. I feel so sad for her. Hope your little girl keeps warm!
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Re: Lucy

Post by janrobinson »

It is so sad that Lucy has these problems but she is a lucky girl to have a new home with you and all the T L C she is receiving.

Thsi Rescue couldn't survive without all you wonderful people willing to give your heart and your home to a Golden.
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Re: Lucy

Post by hairydog »

What a lovely story I have a Lucy to but only Paddy is on 1 Synoquin a day and the green lipped shark muscle for his joints, he is now 6 yrs old and have to say the GLSM has helped him enormousley...must try some for myself... :1959:
gordons mum and dad
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Re: Lucy

Post by gordons mum and dad »

Hi Mary Just to let you know that our Gordon has a coat, although Jan will probably laugh at us when she reads this. He is always quite proud to wear his "lovely blue coat with silver reflective strips" on it. Gordon's coming up for 12 now, and I just find that if it's raining his coat (obviously) stops his back getting wet, and I find that is the hardest bit of him to dry out quickly. Having said that Gordon will quite happily lie in the garden in the rain until he hears the screech from me to "get in you daft dog". As someone else said Goldies can always find the coldest, draughtiest places to lie in. Carole x

Re: Lucy

Post by Mary »

Just to let you know our darling Lucy is still faring pretty well. She has lost a lot of weight (deliberately) and so her problems with her legs have eased considerably - no longer struggling to get up and able to run around quite a lot. Her eyesight has deteriorated quite badly and she does tend to bump into things, but she is the most beautiful, quirky, loving girl I could ever have had - everyone absolutely adores her!
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Re: Lucy

Post by lynn wise »

Lovely to hear from you again Mary.
So pleased to hear about Lucy, she sounds a lovely girl. Good to know that her weight loss has improved her mobility, she must be happy running around now. Sorry to hear about her sight, although these dogs fair better than humans, they cope very well in the surroundings they know.
Thanks for sharing. :love4
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