Restless Jazz

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Restless Jazz

Post by superjazz »

Big Jazz is 11 years old now and is getting us up at night to go out.
He had the stomach bug in January , then he got a bladder infection.
Anti biotics cured this and a recent trip to the vets showed he had perfectly normal water works and is heart is good. Although the anti biotics caused some bowel problems he had a course of probiotics to counter act the effect.
He still wants to get up and go out in the night every few hours but does not appear to want to do anything, just stands and looks at you. Perhaps its nerves and he is worried about making a mess in the house. He is perfectly happy in the day time, lively on his walks and eating normally.
Any one else experienced such a problem ?

P, S, J & C :2079: : :2371:
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Re: Restless Jazz

Post by janrobinson »

Hi P.S.J.and C

As you know for the past 20 years I have had just old dogs. I find that some of them, not all my any means, but some do get a bit anxious as they get older. They need reassurance that you are there at night. Ted used to come and tell me he needed to go out, or so I thought but he just went outside and gazed at the moon or had a sniff round. I couldn't not take him out just in case that time he really needed to go out. Also I think they get a bit senile and forget why they have gone outside. I know the feeling well. :2019:

It may be, as you say, that he was worried by his bout of upset tummy and is frightened he may have an accident. It may just ne a passing phase. Lets hope so.

Hope all is well apart from that Jan.

Re: Restless Jazz

Post by superjazz »

thanks Jan, we can aways rely on you to put things in perspective. we hope that things are improving, I keep threatening to send him back to you, except that he doesn,t think thats much of a threat . don,t worry I only do that about three in the morning,
:2008: P
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