Bentley by the sea

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Bentley by the sea

Post by bentley »

While I have a few minutes to spare and bentley is rampaging round the house and trying to chew the face off Teddy the bichon frise I thought I'd give you all a quick update.

After his shaky start he has now settled down completely and has become the perfect hotel dog. New guests are greeted with a wag of the tail and a friendly, slobbery smile, Bentley gives them a nice welcome as well haha. So far everyone just loves him. He's worked out that there are areas where strangers can go and areas they can't. I discovered that when my cousin turned up unexpectedly and walked straight into my living room unannounced and unattended.

Bentley leapt off the sofa barking and growling like a big old scary guard dog. He scared the bejaysus out of me never mind her! I don't think she'll walk in without knocking again.

Every morning he get a walk round Torre Abbey gardens and then every afternoon he gets a nice long walk either on the beach, the harbour or Cocking ton Country Park, depending on the weather and the tide. Of course everywhere we go people can't help but stop and talk to him or pat his head. He loves it. The last walk of the day is around Torre Abbey again. Not a bad old life, eh?

His beautiful tail is growing back nicely, I'd show you photos of it but my phone, with my camera and all my photos on it, took a high dive down the loo last week and died a watery death.

We've managed to find a heel work to music trainer in Exeter so we go there once a month and he's made loads of new doggie friends and learnt a few cool new tricks. When we get chance I'll make a little video of them for you.

Right that's me. Time's up. I have to go and get on with some more work. I've been decorating the dining room today so it doesn't look like a cross between a 1970's disco and your granny's bedroom with it's bronze tinted mirrors and shiny floral wallpaper. I won't miss that! It's looking much more current now.

Photos soon, honest!
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Re: Bentley by the sea

Post by janrobinson »

Hi Lesley,

Just lovely to hear from you and to know Bentley has settled well in his new surroundings. Sounds like doggy heaven all those lovely walks.Looking forward to the pictures. :love4

Re: Bentley by the sea

Post by superjazz »

so pleased that you are all settled and that Bentley is enjoying life in Devon.

Pat Syd and Katie :love4
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