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Post by sonia »

We are having Ella spayed next week and i have no idea what to expect.
How will she be when she comes home?? I always get worried when they have to have an operation, i do hope she will be OK.
I am sure she will be just wondered if anyone can offer any advice on the does and don't.
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Re: Spayed

Post by Ellas mum »

Hi Sonia :2035:
Our Ella came to us from the 'Rescue' in January, and was spayed in September. She had her teeth cleaned and scaled at the same time. It IS a big operation and she was a bit sore and feeling a bit sorry for herself. The scar was quite large, up the centre of her tummy...all the hair had been shaved off, but soon grew back again. The vet gave her painkillers during the op', which helped enormously. After a few days, she was her old self again, You just have to watch that they don't 'nibble' at the stitches :1960

I do hope everything goes well for her, and please keep us up to date.

Jean :love4
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Re: Spayed

Post by lynn wise »

Hi Sonia,

All our girls were spayed at some point. As Jean says, it is a big op', but she'll be up and about before you know it. You do worry, it's natural to be upset for them. If you have never had one done before, mention it to the Vet or Nurse when you take her in, explain thet you haven't been through this before, I'm sure they will put your mind at rest. Ella will be quite groggy the first evening, and sore for a day or two. Do what I do when faced with things I don't like...Think...this time next week it will all be over.

Woody went yesterday for his op', we' ve had a funny day today with him. He won't go to the loo on the lead, so it's been a bit of a problem. Also, he's got the Buster collar on, which he hasn't learnt to control yet, oh what joy!!! But, this time next week....I'll probably be on Valium :1941:

Anyway, goodluck, and love to Brad and Ella.
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Re: Spayed

Post by sonia »

Thanks Jean and Lynn i am quite nervous about it all but know its for the best, i will be worried all day.
Neil is off all next week with them so he can keep an eye on things or i would be worried about leaving her.
We are gonna buy her a nice comfy bed at the weekend as we have had to stop her climbing on the settee as she has started scratching the covers, making her bed lol...

I will keep you all updated :)xx

Re: Spayed

Post by John »

As others have said, yes it is a big op in comparison to castration, but surprisingly I've had more problems with dogs that with bitches!

The waiting, after taking them in is always hard, but it's soon over then it's down to collect them from the vets. I have always go with the good intention of lifting her into the car, but I've never managed yet! Somehow as soon as the tail gate is opened they are in and I'm left terrified that they have pulled their stitches out. But it's never happened yet! I remember when I brought Big Bad Beth home, the first thing she did was ask to go out so I let her out onto the lawn where she threw herself onto her back to show Lucy her operation scar then raced her to the top or the garden and back!

You are normally told to give them a little something bland for a small supper. OK, We know I have Labradors, and when it comes to food they dont do either "Little" or "Bland" and after eating it they have always said, "OK, but what’s for tea?" But yes, I do reduce the size of the meal a little.

For resting in the evening of the operation I lay a clean white sheet over their bed. That way any bleeding is easily spotted. Expect a little blood, but not much more than you would expect from a reasonable cut. Lots of blood is a definite danger sign!

What do you do at night? Personally I've never used an Elizabethan or buster collar, but during the course of the evening you have time to see how things seem to be going. Some people put a small vest on them, head through the neck and front legs through the arm holes, but I've always worried if the unusual garment might attract more attention than leaving well alone. So I've never used one.

I have never taken them out for a walk on the day after the op, but have let them have a quiet wander around the garden, but as from the second day I've started taking them on a short lead walk.

Usually the stitches are due to come out about 10 days after the op. It's always worth having a look after, when they are laid quiet in the evening, to check all the stitches have been removed. It's usually the vet him/her self who takes the stitches out, but sometimes they leave the easy dogs to the nurse, and it's not unknown for them to miss a stitch. Last time I found two left in Anna. A very sharp "Swiss Army Knife" soon nicked those out! But take the greatest possible care! If your dog is a bit bouncy or you are not confident let your vet finish the job. Anna was always so calm and easy to work on that I was not in the slightest worried.

I always take care for the first couple of days after the stitches are out. At that point, without the stitches to support the wound it is still not as strong as it might be. So having got that far I figure it's worth making haste slowly. The ridge in the skin where the stitches were takes a couple of days to flatten out, and within a couple of months you will have problems even finding where it had been!

And there you are! It is certainly far more worrying for us than it is for the dogs!

Regards, John
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Re: Spayed

Post by janrobinson »

Couldn't have said it better myself you have covered all eventualities John.

I never put a buster collar on mine I think it can make them more anxious. I always like to make sure they go out for a piddle as soon as they come home. I like to make sure everything is working. I also like them to have a drink as soon as possible. Just one of my little quirks.

I am sure everything will be O K.
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Re: Spayed

Post by hairydog »

Our Lucy has been done and as had been said before she came home from the vets showed Paddy her scar and then wanted to go out into the garden for a run!!,Take it one day at a time, the problem we did have was keeping Lucy quiet but no have had no problems.
Had more problems with Paddy when he was nuetered as his "bits" swelled and had to go onto anti-inflammatories for 5 days,but he is a big woos and lapped up all the attention.

Good luck..

Re: Spayed

Post by julie »

Hi Sonia,

Honey was spayed about 2 1/2 yrs ago. Like most people I was a bag of nerves til she was back home. The vet always sends her home with a lampshade collar after an op but I tend to leave it off when she's not alone and can be watched. Luckily she's good at not pulling stitches.

My vet advises a small drink / wee break when first home and leave feeding til later (a boiled egg or some boiled chicken or anything light). Also exercise (a little potter) only in the garden starting with a gentle walk a few days later.

When Honey was spayed she also had two sets of mamory masses removed so as a result she did have 3 pretty large scars (the spay was the smallest).

She was a little bit quiet on the first evening home and did have some swelling afterwards (possibly because of the multiple sites) that did need fluid draining. I must admit I took her back a couple of days after the op for them to check it as I was concerned but they reassured that there was nothing to worry about as this could be expected after her surgery (think they're used to anxious Mums!). After a few days she was rearing to go and everything turned out fine.

Hope all goes well - sure it will.
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Re: Spayed

Post by sonia »

Well today is the day that Ella has gone in i am sure she will be ok. Thanks for all your words of advice its been most helpful :) I will keep you posted and let you know how she is when she comes home. I am off to work shortly so that will take my mind of things, the house seems strange with out her.

Lynn hope Woody is back on his feet ??
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Re: Spayed

Post by lynn wise »

Hi Sonia, :2035:

Hope all well, with you as well as Ella.

Yes, Woody up and running ( well, not quite ) only 2 days to go, and then out come the sutures. We can get rid of his hat then!!!! Today as been the first day he hasn't tried to have a go, but he's healed up wonderfully. I think we'll all go cock-a -hoop when we get back to normal state of play.
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Re: Spayed

Post by sonia »

Well Ella seems ok at the minute she came trotting in fine, a lot better than i expected. I must admit she is just moping about but hey who wouldn't be having gone through that, she didn't even notice Brad has gone out for his walk.
Its back to the vet in a few days for a check up. I have been on edge all day hoping she would be OK.

Lynn so glad to hear Woody is going just fine :thumbsup: As you said not long until you are back to normal.
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Re: Spayed

Post by Ellas mum »

Hi Sonia :2035:

Good to hear that Ella is home , and that everything has gone well.
The waiting is always the worst time, isn't it?
Hope she has a restful night tonight :love4

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Re: Spayed

Post by sonia »

Well a quick update on Ella - She has her stitches out this Friday and i have you say she has been a real star.
As suggested i left the collar off her and she never once tried to nibble the stitches, so glad its all over and it was nowhere near as bad as i thought it would be :)
Thanks for all your support :love4

Re: Spayed

Post by John »

You'll find having the stitches out is no problem at all. They dont hurt and the whole ordeal is over in seconds. :)

Regards, John
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