Barney and Bentley went for a walk

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Barney and Bentley went for a walk

Post by bentley »

Bentley and I popped over to see Barney and his Mum, Karen the other day. Off we all went in the rain for a little walk, Bentley, Barney, Ollie, Karen and me. I was genuinely gobsmacked at how much energy Barney has got. I would have thought he was half his actual age of fifteen, he's amazing.

Bentley thought so too. I tried to get a decent picture of them together but I failed miserably because they wouldn't both sit still at the same time.


As for me I am just blown away by the quality of the dog treats that Karen made especially for me, well, y'know, not actually for me - more for Bentley really although I will admit to having a bit more than a little nibble.

I know, I know, I can hear you saying it "What is she whittering on about?"

Cast your mind back a few weeks *waves hands around to take you back in time*

Karen (KDB) was offering to make bags of dog treats to sell to raise a bit of money for the NWGRR.

Well, not only did I want a few bags of treats for Christmas pressies for all the family dogs, I wanted a birthday cake for Bentley, bearing in mind that he can't have wheat, cheese, salt etc. I asked Karen if she could do it.

Did Karen deliver? Did she ever!!

Beautifully made, beautifully packaged and with a list of ingredients so I know exactly what's going into the dogs and there are no nasty surprises. Five boxes for assorted dog treats and one beautifully made birthday cake. WOW!!

I want to say a massive and very public THANK YOU to Karen. If you didn't order any treats this time then you missed out on er……..a treat haha.

Here are just a few pictures.


Isn't this the most amazing cake you've ever seen for a dog?


Then there were the treats:



Don't they look gorgeous? I think we'll have some happy pooches at Christmas!
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Re: Barney and Bentley went for a walk

Post by janrobinson »

Barney is amazing isn't he. I know he is that age as I have his birth certificate otherwise I would have had doubts. uch a lovely boy and so happy now.

Carole and I are going to Karen's on Sunday thought you may have been there too but you have pipped us to the post. The presentation of the treats is amazing what a good job and the cake is fantastic. I hope she has had lots of orders.
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Re: Barney and Bentley went for a walk

Post by lynn wise »

WOW, don't they look amazing, one very talented lady. Ours are on the way so looking forward to seeing those beautiful creations.
As for Barney, isn't he grand, such a lucky boy to have found Karen.
x69 to Karen, Sam, Barney and Ollie.

Re: Barney and Bentley went for a walk

Post by KDB »

Aw... thanks Lesley. You know what they say though "the proofs in the pudding" so did Bentley and his friends enjoy eating the cake? xxx
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Re: Barney and Bentley went for a walk

Post by bentley »

Hahaaaa Yes they did, :thumbsup: almost took my bloomin' fingers off - actually, I enjoyed it too.

Thank you :love4
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