Eye cleaning - anybody got a good technique?

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Eye cleaning - anybody got a good technique?

Post by julie »

Honey has a couple of lumps on her eyelid - not sure what these are called but have seen them on many other older dogs.

She's seen a couple of vets at the practice over them and they're not too keen to remove them as it would require a general anaestethic (she's not good with this and they're more cautious because of her age). There's no infection and we have had drops etc, but they do cause discharge in her eye.

Whilst she is really patient and lets me clean her eye, I wondered if anyone else had experienced this and if you have a tried and tested technique that you could pass on.

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Post by janrobinson »

Hi Julie,

I usually use some cotton wool and luke warm water and gently wipe away the discharge. I had to have one wart like thing removed from one of my oldies but it was rubbing on his eye and would have caused an ulcer if left so unless this is happening I would agree with the vet to leave it alone. Just keep your eye on it if it starts to grow. There is always something to fret about isn't there. :roll:

Post by John »

As Jan says, if it is rubbing on the eye it can (And must) be removed. But providing it's not rubbing then I would leave well alone. Had this on the eye lid of a friend's GSD a few years back, which did eventually have to be removed.

For cleaning, or helping with a mild infection, cold tea is as good as anything. This one is as old as the hills and something my mother used on me as a child! Although in this day and age most people do it the easy way by bathing with a cold tea bag. :wink: (tea bags were not invented when I was a child. :oops: )

Regards, John
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Post by janrobinson »

I had forgotten about cold tea John. As you say it has got healing properties. Would it leave a stain?

I can't believe tea bags weren't invented when you were a lad !!!!! :roll:

Post by John »

I've never found it to stain my Labradors Jan, and they are yellow. But the way I apply it is to pour a little into a clean cup when I make a cup for myself and leave it to get cold. I then fold up a little piece of kitchen roll, dip it into the tea then squeese a spot onto the eye and simply wipe of the surplus with another piece of kitchen roll.

This is using an ordinary dropper, but it shows the way I support the head and steady the hand which is putting the drops in. Sorry it's Labradors, but we all have a cross to bear. :wink:

Regards, John

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Post by janrobinson »

Thanks for the demo John. Always better to see what to.

The one who is watching intently will know what to do next time :lol:

Thank you

Post by julie »

Hi Jan and John,

Firstly thanks for your reassurances about leaving them alone.

I've double checked them again and they still do not look like they rub against her eye. Size wise they haven't changed so fingers crossed they won't in the future.

Thanks also for sharing your tips; I thought cold tea was just for easing sunburn!

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